English and German Language Classes
Set Them Free and Respect Graduate School have partnered to start an online English and German classes for refugees. The program started with couple English classes for women and one Germany session.
We now have 11 online classes with over 150 students. We group the classes based on participants age and language proficiency level. Each class lasts for 6 months with two sessions every week. The main goal of the online language training is to prepare these refugees for their new lives in different countries. The classes help them to integrate with the new cultures they are in. Later we also opened up several classes for children refugees. Apart from the online classes, we have also mobilized our network of volunteers to be conversation partners. They meet over phone for several times during the week, do some homework together and practice their speaking skills. We do match the refugees with relevant conversation partners matching their professional background so they have can also have some interesting discussions, share their work-related experiences and learn more about how they can do their professions in the countries which they are looking forward to resettle. Now we have hundreds of conversation partners all mostly in USA and around the Europe.
Since we have started these two projects, we are able to witness ourselves how these projects are uplifting the hopes of refugee women and children. The psychological and the mental health of the refugees are important factors for their social and cultural empowerment. Astheir language proficiency increases, it becomes so much easier to interact and communicate for the refugees in their local communities and start a new life.
Overall, these are the two main projects which we wanted to share as a best practice which became a source of motivation, enabled women and children to focus and set new goals in their life. As time passes, the outcomes and feedbacks of the audience revealed that there is a notable increase in successful integration stories, better communications among family members, and necessary skills to conduct daily life tasks in hospitals, schools, markets etc.
Student Comments..
“I came accross this program at the very moment I gave up hope! It helped me focus on my goals for a new life again!”
“It is very hard to commute to a language school. So an online program appeared as a great opportunity for me!”
“The classes are really helpful in terms of practicing daily language which we will need a lot in our new lives in new places!”
“Attending online courses together with my kids let us get motivated for future goals!”
“We couldn’t thank enough for this program which gives us the chance to integrate with new people in new places!”
“ I was feeling hopeless to handle even the daily life here. Luckily, this program encouraged me and my friends to speak and practice English. Moreover, these classes are free and easily accessible online, so that anybody can benefit.”